Friday, November 11, 2011

How To Going To Mount Kinabalu In Borneo Sabah Malaysia

How To Going To Mount Kinabalu In Borneo Sabah  Malaysia

Borneo Mountain Kinabalu is located in the Kinabalu Park in the Malaysian state of Sabah, which is about 80 km east of Kota Kinabalu.

The main attraction of Kinabalu Park is the majestic Mount Kinabalu, which is one of the highest mountains in South-East Asia amounted to 4095.2 meters.

For those who do not know the name of Malaysia comes from the Sanskrit word meaning "mountain land", and the name of this country is blessed with more than 50 of mountains, and with Mount Kinabalu is the highest in the country. But many of you will be surprised to know that is considered one of the easiest peaks to conquer the world. It is said to be a mountain climber-friendly than other lower mountains around the world.

This mountain is the highest mountain between the Himalayas and mountains Jawijaya Indonesia. The first person who climbed Mount Kinabalu in the year 1851 was a British colonial officer, Sir Hugo Holland.
An interesting aspect of Borneo Kinabalu Mountain, which is considered a sacred place, a place because they believe that the mountain is a place to rest the spirits of their ancestors who live on top of a mountain. In fact, we hear that the chicken was sacrificed in the past at the top of a mountain to climb has always been, but today, this ceremony is performed only once a year, when seven chickens are sacrificed lives.

In fact, the majority of tourists visit Kinabalu National Park every year with the goal to climb Mount Kinabalu in Borneo Sabah. And 'world famous for its excellent biological qualities, is home to a huge botanical and biological species that are rare to find anywhere else in the world. That place is full of many interesting species of plants and animals are not easily found elsewhere.

Here you can find many plants, 26 species of rhododendrons, orchids and countless largest flowers in the world, the Rafflesia. No wonder that Mount Kinabalu is the preferred destination for climbers and why this mountain on the list of World Heritage.

It takes just two days, and no specialized mountaineering skills or previous climbing experience is necessary to climb this mountain. It is one of the important reasons why the ascent of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah is considered one of the most exciting and rewarding for both locals and tourists.

From Mount Kinabalu Borneo is the gateway to many natural wonders of Sabah, one can easily find the mode of transportation such as taxi or bus to visit the park headquarters. It only takes about two hours to reach the park.

See you again. 

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